Our New Endeavor—Education

Since 1990, businesses and organizations have come to us for specialized flexible barrier-packaging solutions that don’t exist on store shelves. From birthing tub liners to birdseed bags; from ice cream-flavoring storage liners to crypt liners; and from pest eradication enclosures to UGR-E bags, we’ve developed flexible packaging solutions for a diverse range of industries that have helped shape our expertise.

Regardless of the industry, what all of our customers have in common are products, goods, or items that are at risk from hazards like corrosion, bio-deterioration, electro-static discharge, and more.

Transmission of oxygen, moisture vapor, and other elements into or out of the item’s packaging could significantly affect product integrity as it reaches end users, so the perfect packaging solution needs to offer the appropriate barrier properties in addition to the right fit.

We often see businesses unknowingly ask for improper materials, heat seals and closures, etc. due to a lack of technical knowledge and expertise, but when you work with our team of professional engineers, machine operators, and hand fabricators, you’re guaranteed to get the perfect package.

And now, we want to guarantee that you get to share our knowledge too. In the coming months, we’ll deliver consistent content meant to inform, engage, and maybe even entertain! If you’d like to be sure you don’t miss this content as well as any other special offers, be sure to sign up for our mailing list and follow us on social media.

Talk soon!

The Heritage Packaging Team


Everything There Is to Know About Flexible Packaging